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The Forgotten Batches
Been and gone

From from these humble beginnings our journey began! This series of sauces were our first steps to becoming the Sauce Forge. The first first batches were sometimes more fruit than pepper, and were super small batches sometimes only 2 bottles, which we stored in flip top beer bottles 😅. Since we were still working just making some sauce for our own use we didn't write down any recipes! But it set the stage for our friends and family to catch wind of what we were doing.

Ingredients may have been

Roasted Dutch Peppers

Roasted Scotch Bonnet Peppers

Pineapple, Limes,

Mango, Strawberry

Garlic, Ginger, Basil,

Carrot, Onion

White Wine Vinegar

Xanthan Gum

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Where can you find us!

We will also be popping up at local farmers markets across Surrey and West Sussex in 2024 / 25. Keep an eye below for details about where we will be and when!

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